Bonne journée Monsieur M.

Switzerland, May 1999
FILM, Animation, 6 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume
Written by
Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume
In distribution

Mr. M. the pig has one major failing: he snores, a fact the neighbours can confirm. Like tonight, when a family of pigeons can't get a wink of sleep. The snoring can still be heard at dawn. It's just too much for mother pigeon who comes up with a clever plan to get her own back and to restore peace in the town.

Monsieur M., il maiale, ha un grosso difetto: russa; provate a chiederlo ai suoi vicini… Una notte una famiglia di piccioni non riesce, giustappunto, a chiudere occhio. All'alba continuano a sentirsi ronzii e sibili. È troppo per mamma piccione, che con un abile stratagemma riuscirà a trovare il mezzo di vendicarsi e di riportare la calma in città.


World Premiere
May 1999
Original Version
Without dialogue,  colour, 35mm, 6 min.
Cinémagination SA
directed by
Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume
Written by
Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume
Samuel Guillaume
Production Design
Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Ciné3D Association

Worldwide Distribution

Les Films du Préau Distribution


(a selection)
